Hilgard and his colleagues find out that hypnotized people report less pain when their arms are placed in ice water. W<span>hen Hilard asked the participants to press a key if "some part" of them felt pain, almost all pressed the key. That is how e concluded that there is s "hidden observer", or a split consciousness that involuntarily knows what is happening.</span>
... a spiritual aspect, as exemplified in "Phaedo" where Plato has Socrates argue that the self - the soul - is immaterial and immortal and survives our bodily death. He argues this on the basis that the soul can perceive non-material ideals that do not exist in this world.
Plato (428 BC-347 BC) was a Greek philosopher, considered one of the leading thinkers of his day. A disciple of Socrates, he sought to convey a deep faith in reason and truth by adopting Socrates' motto "the wise is the virtuous." He wrote several philosophical dialogues, including "The Republic", a work divided into ten volumes.
He was a teacher of Aristoteles, but unlike his student, Plato believed that human nature has a spiritual aspect, as exemplified in "Phaedo", where Plato has Socrates, argues that the self - the soul - is immaterial and immortal and survives. to our bodily death. He argues this based on the fact that the soul can perceive nonmaterial ideals that do not exist in this world.
the correct answer is option B