Algae is a primary producer like plants. I hope this helps
A., Vision. Eyes contain two types of photoreceptors called rods and cones.
Chemogeny may be a theory of chemical evolution that depends on the chemical reactions and formation of drugs on the bases of chemical reactions. This theory says that “Life occurs as a results of evolution of inorganic matter”.
In the 1920's Scientists Oparin and Haldane, developed this hypothesis of the chemical origin of life from the primitive atmosphere of the world having matter like methane, ammonia and water. there have been very low concentrations of oxygen thanks to the presence of high temperatures like 5000-60000C. So, these conditions weren't suitable for the free existence of organic compounds, so reactions started happening .
Under conditions like high sunlight and warmth , inorganic matter gets converted to inorganic compounds. And this might end in the storage of organic compounds, which gets more and more concentrated with the passage of many years.
These compounds interact with one another and end in “life”.
So, chemogeny is that the process of chemical evolution of earth and formation of life from pre-existing matter with the assistance of chemical reactions.
Hopefully I was able to help you with the concept. Good luck!
The use of chemicals on crops poses known health risks to humans. this statement most support a decision to buy organic produce.
- The agriculture industry has become more industrialized, which has increased the chemical load on the environment.
- Agrochemicals known as pesticides are applied to agricultural fields, public health initiatives, and urban green spaces to protect people and plants from numerous diseases.
- Their side effects, however, can be a significant environmental health risk factor due to their proven capacity to have a wide range of detrimental health and environmental impacts.
- Produce that is organic uses fewer pesticides.
- Because organic food lacks preservatives that extend its shelf life, it is frequently fresher.
- Organic farming typically benefits the environment.
- Animals kept organically are not fed animal byproducts, growth hormones, or antibiotics.
learn more about organic produce here:
When a bend in a river gets cut off...