Verna system divides the Indian Society into Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishyas, and Shudras which was originated during Vedic System, however, the three societies Brahman Kshatriya and Vaishyas gain inheritance with other Indo-European Societies whereas Shudras was added by Brahmans from northern India and division of society according to Verna system was highly prevalent during colonialism which played key role in division of population
This made double-cropping possible in some areas, and in some places, even triple-cropping became possible ... the hardiness and productivity of various varieties of rice were and are in large part responsible for the density of population in South, Southeast, and East Asia.
<span>Two opposite points are called the North and South Poles. How you can tell, is because the equator is line that circles the Earth halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole. </span>
there are 11 hydroelectric dams being built along the mekong river
Klatzke (2008) in her research found that leave-takers craft different messages for different audiences upon their exit to facilitate certain impressions. This is because often times, leave-takers sees their exit from the company as an event that will not affect their future endeavors, such as leave-taker telling the colleagues at work that the reason for leaving is because of theie ineffective manager, while the may tell the manager, that the reason for leaving the company is for higher pay or new challenges.