The amygdalae are found in the temporal lobes of the brain, and are responsible for the perception of emotions, with fear being the most noticeable. They help to store memories of events for future recognition and protection.
C. Involved with executive management decisions that
Safety and Health directors are responsible for workplace safety.
Literally nothing... sorry! lol. you will definitely spot it at the other end in about 24 hours though! no worrys. i swallowed a lego once and i was fine!:)
Hello <span>Niyahinica!
ANSWER:It looks like your answer is
A sequence of events that lead to an accident.
You might ask how did I get this answer, well, I went to google.
STEP 1: Type in accident chain definition in the search box.
STEP 2: Find I reliable website. EXP: Websites with edu or gov as the web suffix.
STEP 3: Read the paragraph/ sentence that is displayed on the page.
STEP 4: You've got your answer!
Yoooure welcome!
Just know that if you think hard and believe in yourself.... YOU CAN DO IT ALL ALONE!!
im dead just sheval u wanna zo om