When you are looking for a fraction, it is best to convert this into a percentage, which in this case, is 80%. Following on from this, you will have to round the number up, which in this case, will be to 200- however, depending on the number, this could be different. From this, you then have to find 80% of 200. From this, you then have to divide 200 by 10, giving you 20, and then multiply this by 8, to get 160, and this is a good estimate for 4/5 of 192. Hope this helps you <span />
3/4, 6/8
Step-by-step explanation:
12/4 is 3. 16/4 is 4, repeat for the other one with the number 3
1 and 1
Step-by-step explanation:
degree of 1 and 1 term.
t = 3
Simple interest will be derived by multiplying the principal, the interest rate, and the term.
Interest = Principal x Rate x Term
Interest = 105
Principal = 700
Rate = 0.05
Term = ?
Based on the Simple Interest formula,
term = Interest / principal x rate
term = 105 / (700 x 0.05)
term = 105 / 35
term = 3