Steering is simply defined as a mechanism in a vehicle or vessel that makes it possible to steer in different directions. The preferred steering method that will help reduce the possibility of losing control is the push pull method. It is also called hand-to-hand. In this method, each hand remains on its respective wheel side. Whenever you are turning left; your left hand begins by pulling in a downward motion from the 10 o'clock position to the 9 o'clock position. <span />
Romantic love
The triangular theory of love, developed in the late 1980s by psychologist Dr. Robert Sternberg puts forth a viable theory on the concept of love. His theory suggests that people can have varying degrees of intimacy, passion, and commitment at any one moment in time.
In doctor's Sternberg's theory, the concept of love is introduced as a love triangle that is made up of three components:
- Intimacy, which involves feelings of closeness, connectedness, and bondedness
- Passion, which involves feelings and desires that lead to physical attraction, romance, and sexual consummation
- Decision/Commitment, which are feelings that lead a person to remain with someone and move toward shared goals
The three components of love interact in a systemic manner, working off of one another. The presence of a component of love and a combination of two or more components create seven kinds of experiences. These types of love may vary over the course of a relationship as well. They are: friendship, infatuation, empty love, companionate love, fatuous love, consummate love, and romantic love, the latter which bonds people emotionally through intimacy and physical passion. Partners in this type of relationship have deep conversations that help them know intimate details about each other. They enjoy a sexual passion and affection. these couples may be at the point where long-term commitment or future plans are still undecided.
Estrogen helps control the menstrual cycle and is important for childbearing. Estrogen also has other functions: Keeps cholesterol in control. Protects bone health for both women and men