Short term effects include memory loss, hangovers, and blackouts. Long term problems associated with heavy drinking include stomach ailments, heart problems, cancer, brain damage, serious memory loss and liver cirrhosis.
There are two types of alveolar cells. The type I alveolar cells which lines the alveoli and much more abundant than type II alveolar cells. Then the type II alveolar cells lesser in number but functions differently than type I alveolar cells. Type II alveolar cells secrete surfactant (composed of lecitin and sphingomyelin) for the lungs. Surfactant reduces the surface tension inside the alveoli, preventing alveolar consolidation. This is important as babies with dysfunctional type II alveolar cells (usually preterm babies less than 32 weeks age of gestation) will have respiratory distress syndrome in the absence of surfactant.
Hay dos especies principales que causan enfermedades: Cryptococcus neoformans y C. gattii. Estos hongos rara vez causan infecciones en personas sanas, pero pueden ser muy graves para personas con sistemas inmunitarios comprometidos, como las que tienen VIH / SIDA. La infección generalmente ocurre cuando alguien inhala el hongo
The consumers are mostly affected secondary consumers.
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