Answer: audience relevance
Most importantly when stating a thesis we should show and present how the work in the thesis is relevant to the audience. In this way we would be able to connect our research work more to the people and the audience. We should be able to state how our work is going to benefit them, what the people should do in this regard and all the dos and don't must be mentioned clearly while stating our thesis.
I don't think some will write the whole program here, but which part are you having trouble with?
An error will be occurred here. In C++ a function must be like
returntype function_name(){
but the functions in given class does not have returntype given. So there will be a syntax error.
If the returntype is defined then the code does not show any output since nothing is printed in the main function.
False. It was Nintendo behind the creation of Super Mario Bros.
B. Click the Next icon on the Reviewing toolbar to review and then accept or reject each edit.
Since Jack wants to keep some changes and reject others, he can't use a global solution (like presented in answers A and C).
He has to go through each and every change proposition and decide individually if he wants to keep the change or not. That's why it's answer B.
It's the only way to accept some, reject some.
At the end of this process, he'll have a clean document with Rob's recommendations and his original documents.