Boolean is one of the primitive data types that will only hold either true or false value. This data type is commonly used in a variable that will track a status with only two possible outcomes.
For example, the<em> ParticipantPD</em> field is to track the payment status (paid or unpaid) of a participant. So, declare the<em> ParticipantPD</em> field as boolean data type will meet its purpose.
boolean ParticipantPD = true;
boolean ParticipantPD = false;
Write one for loop to print out each element of the list several_things. Then, write another for loop to print out the TYPE of each element of the list several_things.
The solution in python is as follows:
for element in several_things:
for element in several_things:
The solution assumes that the list several_things has already been initialized.
So, the rest of the code is explained as follows:
This line iterates through the list, several_things
for element in several_things:
This line prints each element
This line iterates through the list, several_things for the second time
for element in several_things:
This line prints the type of each element
Sharing your personal information and identity theft but if you’re supposed to choose one then sharing your personal information must be right
import math
print(math.pow(8, 0.5))
You can find the square root of any number by squaring it by 0.5