When the first act opens, Bernardo appears to relieve Francisco from duty, but it is so dark they both fearfully call out "who's there?" until they realize it's just guardsmen. We find out that the guardsmen have been spotting the ghost of King Hamlet.
Snickers- disrespectful laugh, Snares- to catch something (animal), Complexion- the skin and features of face, Confide-to tell someone something private, Benefit- a gained advantage, Volume- a publication (as a book) & Bother- to take the time to do something :) you’re welcome!
1 is giving
2 isn't going
3 am going
4 do
5 is cooking
6 is.... doing, is playing
7 is reading , are listening
8 is...doing , is reading
9 plays
10 do .. go
11 does.. travel, walks
i think these are correct
Definitely Red and I've never heard of Witch of the North.