<span>James Ussher was a creative scholar, a church leader
and became famous for his genuine letters of the church. He is the Archbishop
of all Ireland and majorly impacted Reformation theology. He is best
known for his chronology research that concluded Adam was created in 4004
B.C. In reality, Ussher was a first-class scholar very involved in
scholarly research. He regularly interacted with “the most learned men of the
day” to intellectually savor their ideas. He was also “a real connoisseur of
books,” and there was scarcely a book in any British library that he was
unfamiliar with. While James Hutton is known as the Father of Modern Geology,
Hutton is a Scottish Geologist and a naturalist who originated the concept of
earth’s crust during geological history, which explains the features of the
Earth's crust by means of natural processes over geologic time. Hutton
had formulated controversial theories of the origin of the earth and of
atmospheric changes known as 'uniformitarian’s'. This paved the way for modern
geological science.</span>
Correct answer is :It has two elements
A binary compound is a compound that is made up of two of the elements in the periodic table. Some examples of binary compounds are
. This means that a binary compound can have more than 2 atoms as in the case of hydrogen oxide. Some binary compounds are ionic as in the case of sodium chloride.This shows that they do not necessarily have to have covalent bonds. This also rules out the possibility that they may always have double bonds as ionic compounds are bound together by ionic bonds. The only thing that will always be true of binary compounds is that they will always have 2 elements.
The thing that will not resolve the problem of your data is discarding the data point - A
The reason why this won't help is because this data point will still be present just not visible from your data. This is an issue because someone may think that if a data point isn't there that it also means everything is k with the data.