c. People may not criticize the government.
I Think.
basic rules
it has basic rule on which the democracy funtions
The term self-concept makes reference to the way somebody thinks about, appraises, or thinks of himself/herself. If you are aware of yourself, you have a concept of yourself.
Self-esteem, commonly identified with self-worth, indicates the degree to which people like or accept themselves and the value they give to themselves. Self-esteem is always related to evaluation and determines if people have a self-negative or self-positive image.
Self-image relates to how you see yourself. Factors such as influences of the family, friends, and other social groups affect self-image.
Personality contains the typical patterns of thoughts, emotions, and conducts that provide uniqueness to an individual. Also, personality originates from the person and is inherent during his or her entire life.
South Africa
Apartheid was a system of segragation most famously used in South Africa
tend to lack emotional dynamism and cultivate an attitude of passivity or acceptance.
Max weber is a theorist who views religion as a potential source of social transformation. He regarded Christianity as a salvation religion. Eastern religion differ from Christianity that they lack emotional dynamism. Max Weber believed that religion can be a source for social change. Religion includes beliefs, traditions, culture and practices that serve the need of society.