the role of a woman in the world: we have to deal wit creepy people. we get treated like trash. guys can go and mess wit as many girls as they want but when girls do it its a problem. we get body shammed. we get told were ugly or not pretty enough or we don't do anything. we have to do everything for a man. it doesn't matter how much we do its never enough! and there's lots more
playing/ you don't change anything for this one
surveyed/ nothing here either
swayed/ nope don't change anything
supplied/ drop the y and change it to an i- just like a little song and you'll remember it easily
Both eventually come to an end or die.
"The Coming Of Night" is a poem written by Linda Pastan. The poem is about how the speaker accepts the inevitability of death. The them of the poem is death.
A simile is a rhetoric device thaat is used to compare two unlike things or objects or ideas.
<u>In the poem, Pastan has compared the ambition with the 'pilot light.' It is important to know that the 'pilot light' is an important instrument to run an appliance. So, by comparing life's ambition with 'pilot light', the poet is making a point that just like the pilot light is vital to run appliances, ambitions are important to run a life. Which means that the poet is conveying a message that a life without an ambition is likely to end just as a 'faulty pilot light' will come to an end</u>.
This comparison helps in the contribution to the central idea oof how life slowly ends without an ambition, just like a faulty pilot light.