The answer she most likely be d
Eight million nine hundred twenty-four thousand six hundred and thirty-two hundredths
Seven hundred seven and ninety-one hundredths
6 hundred forty-one thousand nine hundred seventy-1 and 44 hundredths

Explanation: For this, it is often best to find the horizontal asymptote, and then take limits as x approaches the vertical asymptote and the end behaviours.
Well, we know there will be a horizontal asymptote at y = 0, because as x approaches infinite and negative infinite, the graph will shrink down closer and closer to 0, but never touch it. We call this a horizontal asymptote.
So we know that there is a restriction on the y-axis.
Now, since we know the end behaviours, let's find the asymptotic behaviours.
As x approaches the asymptote of 7⁻, then y would be diverging out to negative infinite.
As x approaches the asymptote at 7⁺, then y would be diverging out to negative infinite.
So, our range would be:
Step-by-step explanation:
Volume of sphere P = x
Volume Sphere Q = x + 150/100x
Volume of Q = x + 1.5x = 2.5x
Volume of R is 50% more than Q
Volume of R = (100 + 50)% of 2.5x
Volume of R = 150/100 * 2.5x
Volume of R = 1.5 * 2.5x = 3.75x
Volume of sphere P as a fraction of sphere R ;
Volume of P / volume of R
x / 3.75x
= 1/3.75