The prevailing wind direction is West, even though natural wind direction is East. The West winds prevail because they are much stronger. The way this works is that the San Francisco Bay water is a constant cool temperature (around 50-60 degrees).
An elastomer is a polymer whose main characteristic is elasticity and can even recover its shape after being deformed
The chemical composition of an elastomer is the grouping of thousands of molecules called monomers, which join together forming huge chains. These large chains of polymers are those that give elasticity since they are flexible and are intertwined in a very messy way.
When an elastomer is stretched, its molecules align, allowing many times to take a crystalline appearance. However, upon releasing the tension, it immediately returns to its original state of elastic disorder. The above distinguishes elastomers from plastic polymers.
Earth Science i’m guessing ...
Due to insulin resistance, it is a bit hard for their body to naturally break down glucose(<em>a form of sugar</em>) like a normal body would.