Key Takeaways
Market economies utilize private ownership of the means of production and voluntary exchanges/contracts. In a command economy, governments own the factors of production such as land, capital, and resources. In reality, all economies blend aspects of the two.
Bop established the primacy of virtuosic solo improvisation. From the measure of the artistry and virtuosity of the solo improvisers.
Explanation: Bebop was a sort of "underground" jazz movement in its early years. Its developers and practitioners met in the after-hours of New York's jazz clubs, experimenting with new harmonic and melodic idioms during jam sessions that would sometimes last until dawn.
-Focused on improvisation and solo virtuosity in individual solos, not melody, but focused on harmonics.
The emergence of bebop melodies or "heads."
Bop tempos were faster than any jazz had ever been. This was not dancing music, and it was never really intended to be popular. It was jazz for the artists themselves and for the true jazz lovers.
The Byzantine Empire had control over the Holy Land in 550 CE.
Unscrupulously ridiculed for its poverty and crime, unlike the United States and Europe, Haiti is indeed the richest country in the Western Hemisphere, as evident in its most lucrative resource: its people.