They settled. What do you think? Thats a pretty simple answer.
c. Do not have legislative representation as is the cases in other countries with proportional representation.
Proportional representation refers to an electoral structure wherein the number of votes that the members of the political party obtain at a given election determines the number of seats held by a specified political party in a legislative system. This electoral process is the principle of allocating seats in parliament so that they are proportionate to the votes cast. However, in the United States, the legislative representation falls under the subjugation of the candidate who receives the maximum number of votes.
privacy: a state in which one is not observed or disturbed by other people.
space: a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied.
surveillance: being watched or kept
The right answer for the main lesson would be <u>security</u>,
In security, you can watch others (surveillance) and at the same time you could be secure and be away form others (space and privacy)
The median and interquartile range.
This is False. The federal government does not allow citizens to decide how public money is used.
When citizens have this power it is called Real budget democracy. Now the budget is decided by the Congress passing through many stages. First the Departments and agencies bring on proposals to the White House for the creation of the President's budget, then the House of representatives and Senate make their resolutions and a final budget is created that must be approved for the next fiscal year, that is voted, passed and signed as law.