<h2>Explanation:</h2><h2>Coevolution</h2><h3>Coevolution is a cyclic process in which the adaptations of one organism in an ecosystem drive the adaptations of another organism. These adaptations then cause the first organism to adapt to keep up (Brockhurst & Koskella, 2013). Coevolution is very environmentally specific so you will not see it develop between generalist species (Abrams, 2006; Aslan, et. al, 2013; Becklin, 2008; Chu, 1985) though it may develop communally. Similarly, coevolution does not account for wide-scale adaptions among groups of organisms better attributed to environmental shifts such as habitat destruction and climate change (Chu, 1985).</h3>
Un depredador y sus presas coevolucionan, el depredador se vuelve más eficiente en perseguir y matar a sus presas y las presas dearrollan nuevas defensas y formas de escape. La coevolución impone presiones selectivas. Éstas a su vez llevan a una carrera armamental de adaptaciones mutuas progresivas