hide the electrodes and wires under your clothes, and you can wear the recording device on your belt or attached to a strap. Once your monitoring begins, don't take the Holter monitor off you must wear it at all times, even while you sleep.
The options to choose from are: portal of exit, reservoir, portal of entry
The answers are JoAnn is the reservoir in the chain of transmission. The mucus from her cough is the portal of exit in the chain of transmission.
JoAnn is the reservoir because the cold is stored in her body. The mucus is the portal of exit because it is being coughed up outside the body.
Before you clean and sanitize items in a three-compartment sink, make sure that you clean and sanitize each sink and drain board. There are 5 steps for cleaning and sanitizing in a 3-compartment sink.
Use the sink in the following manner:
In the 1st compartment, wash with a clean detergent solution at or above 110˚F or at the temperature specified by the detergent manufacturer.
In the 2nd compartment, rinse with hot clean water.
In the 3rd compartment, sanitize with a sanitizing solution mixed at a concentration specified on the manufacturer’s label or by immersing in hot water at or above 171˚F for 30 seconds. Test the chemical sanitizer concentration by using an appropriate test kit.
Rinse, scrape, or soak all items before washing them.
A hazardous material is any item or agent ( it can be biological, chemical, radioactive, and any sort of physical object ), that has the potential of harming any biological creature or the environment (by biological we mean humans, animals etc.)
Any substance that is a health hazard is a hazardous material. Here are some examples : chemicals with carcinogents, toxic agents, sensitizers etc.