B. They sweat or pant to lose heat by water evaporation.
Close the yield gap. By 2050, 120 million hectares of natural habitats will be converted to farming in developing countries, the World Wildlife Fund estimates. ...
Use fertilizer more efficiently. ...
Raise low water productivity. ...
Target food for direct consumption. ...
Reduce food waste.
Two adaptations of Darwin's Finches that helped them to survive are:
- Behavioral adaptations to use tools for foraging.
There are fourteen species of Darwin's finches that originated from a single species of ground dwelling seed eating finch.
These Finches occupied different niche in the Galapagos island and were widely studied by Darwin.
These finches are one of the best Examples of Adaptive radiation.
Studies state that during severe drought in Galapagos island most vegetation dried out and a few softer seeds were left.
These few seeds were quickly fed upon by the birds and only dry , hard seeds were left.
Only birds who had large and hard beaks could feed on these hard dry seeds.
To Ensure survival the Finches developed adaptations which resulted in hard and large beaks so that they can feed on those dried hard seed.
Some groups started feeding on insects and got their beaks adapted to capture and kill insects.
Second line of adaptation included changes in behaviour and cognitive intelligence where birds started using tools for foraging.
Turner Syndrome
When someone only inherits only the X chromosome, their karyotype symbol for that will be XO. Symptoms of Turner Syndrome include "short height, failure of the ovaries to develop and heart defects."
The correct answer is - option C.
CFTR is a short form of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein which is caused by a recessive mutation in this protein. This mutation results in the accumulation of mucus in secretory organs.
As the disease is a recessive disease, for the mutant phenotype to expressed both copies of the allele required to be recessive.
The mother is negative for the CFTR. Hence, she will not transfer the mutant allele to her child So, the child would have a wild-type phenotype even if the father having two copies of recessive allele.
Thus, the correct answer is - option C.