It is meant to say that there is less population of giraffe in Jungle.
If there was 35 giraffes are born to a population in 1 day than tthere is more population. But in question said that in a year.
LOL not to be mean but you can look it up on Google
Temporal isolation , behavioral isolation, and geographical isolation I hope I answered your question if not please try searching up or using further sources
The correct answer is that variable number repeats are used in DNA tests; they have hundreds of possible lengths. Eye color is determined by variations in a person's genes. Most of the genes associated with eye color are involved in the production, transport, or storage of a pigment called, melanin. Eye color is directly related to the amount and quality of melanin in the front layers of the iris.
There are many points at which eukaryotic gene expression can be controlled, through pretranscriptional control, transcriptional control, and posttranscriptional control
The pretranscriptional control determines the accessibility of chromatin to the transcription machinery. It is affected by supercoiling and methylation. It is also known as epigenetic regulation, and it does not depend on the sequence but on the conformation of the DNA.
While transcriptional control determines the frequency and / or speed of transcription initiation through the accessibility of the start sites, the availability of transcription factors and the effectiveness of promoters.
The post-transcriptional control is the one that is exercised once the transcript has finished synthesizing. It can be of several types:
• Maturation control: As the RNA adjustment can be made.
• Transport control: Most RNA has to go out to the cytoplasm to perform its function. For this they have to cross the pores of the nuclear membrane, where you can select the RNAs that will be transported and those that will not.
• Stability control: The half-life of RNA can be regulated by the expression of RNAs or mRNA stabilizing proteins in the cytoplasm.
• Translational control: It is exercised on the frequency with which the mRNAs begin to be translated. It can also affect the frequency with which proteins mature and the availability of enzymatic effectors.