A mentor is defined as a psychological state that exists when you agree to make yourself vulnerable to another because you have positive expectations about how things are going to turn out. Consideration Support Trust Respect Empathy
a. Guglielmo Marconi
Guglielmo Marconi -
On the nobel prize winner of the year 1909 with Karl Ferdinand Braun , for their work for the development of the wireless telegraphy .
He is known as the inventor of radio , the famous work of Marconi includes , the a radio telegraph system , giving Marconi's law , work on long - distance radio transmission .
He is the founder of the company , The Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company in the United Kingdom .
The quotation given in the question , is given by Guglielmo Marconi .
A person who has Wernicke's aphasia is someone who has a communication disorder that is inability to understand the meaning of spoken words and sentences
A person who has Wernicke's aphasia is someone who has a communication disorder and such person is characterized by the following communication features:
negatively impacted communication abilities:
- Reading abilities
- Writing abilities
preserved communication abilities:
- intellectual abilities
- cognitive capabilities
Therefore, a person who has Wernicke's aphasia is someone who has a communication disorder that is inability to understand the meaning of spoken words and sentences
Ethical problem
Every individual approaches ethical problem from his or her own perspective, which includes cultural values, moral upbringing, present circumstances, society’s expectations, and a multitude of few other variables.
The teachers present at the teacher's lounge could be there for a variety of reasons, for example it could even me a meeting of the supporters of the school uniform! his sample is therefore possibly biased - there is no way of knowing that it represents the whole population. He chose it because it was convenient to him - and the answer is "a, convenience sampling"