Hey There!</h2><h2>

<h2>_____________________________________</h2><h3>TAXONOMY OF DIFFERENTIAL GRASSHOPPER:</h3>
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Orthoptera
Sub Order: Caelifera
Genus: Melanoplus
Specie: differentialis
Differential Grasshopper is one of the many types of grasshopper, thus the genus and specie name might differ from type to type.

Phylums are the groups and Phylum arthropoda is one of the 33 phylas of the Kingdom Animalia. Phylum Arthropoda has the largest phylum of the Animal Kingdom with variety of animals that include one million species. It has 5 classes.
<h2>_____________________________________</h2><h3>CLASS INSECTA:</h3>
This is the largest class of animal kingdom. It includes 90% of the arthropod species. Its study is called entomology. It includes all the insects which have 6 legs, their body is divided into head thorax and abdomen.

Grasshopper have a long, cylindrical body which is bilaterally symmetrical. They are the insects with six jointed appendages(legs), its soft body is differentiated into head thorax and abdomen which is covered with exoskeleton. It is yellowish green in colour, their pigmentation darkens as they get older. They have 4 wings, The back wings are larger while the front wings are small. Their back legs(hind limbs) are large muscular and strong making legs well adapted for leaping. Grasshoppers eat all the green parts of the plant. A lot of grasshoppers can eat a lot of food and can cause serious problems for farmers by eating all of their crops. They are present everywhere mostly in Grassland region and absent in too cold regions.
They have compound eyes to see, antennae, palp, cerci and receptors to sense touch, Their ears(tympinal organs) are present in abdomen region, They have strong mendibles which help them to eat and they gasp food by front limbs. They make a hissing sound by rubbing their hind limbs with the abdomen region.

Exoskeleton is the outer covering which protects the animals. The whole body and appendages of grasshopper are covered with exoskeleton. It is water proof made of chitin, it is non living. As it is non living it cant grow, the grass hopper and other insects go through the process called Moulting or Ecdysis. Moulting is the mechanism by which as animal grows it sheds its exoskeleton exposing its soft body but it quickly forms a new one.

Arthropoda are named because of the jointed appendages. They play a significant role. These appendages serve many functions which include swimming, walking, food capture, copulation and sensory perceptions.

Metamorphosis is a set of changes which transform larva into developed adult form. Metamorphosis is of two types, Complete and Incomplete Metamorphosis. Grasshoppers go through incomplete metamorphosis. Incomplete Metamorphosis is the tiny immature adult like creature called nymph comes out of egg and grows direct into an adult skipping the larvae and pupa form.

The Grasshopper have very strong hind limbs and wings. They help in locomotion and also help in catching the prey. The arthropods in the class insecta which have wings are called Pterygota and those which do not have wings are called Apterygota.

They have very well developed sensory and visionary organs which help them to catch the prey. Their mouth parts consist of Maxilla, Mandibles Hypopharynx, Labrum and labium.

- Grasshopper can be used as source of food in some countries, they are roasted to provide some delicacy
In a food chain they can be used to feed other animals in an ecosystem like poultry
They are crop pests(animals that injure or kill cultivated plants) in agriculture farm.
They can assist in transmitting crop diseases from one plant to another
<h2>_____________________________________</h2><h2>Best Regards,</h2><h2>'Borz'</h2>