Micronutrients helps in preventing the skin from different types of allergens or pollen which may result in skin rashes or hives. It protects skin againts various pathogens or fungi. It acts as anti oxidants on skin and thus prevents premature ageing. It also protects from harmful UV radiateion which damages DNA.
Answer & explanation:
Amylase is part of enzymes, a group of large peptide molecules (formed by amino acids) whose role is to catalyze reactions in order to facilitate the synthesis of other biological molecules.
Amylase is found mainly in saliva (in the form of salivary amylase, or ptialin), acting in the breakdown of starch and glycogen in foods, reducing them to smaller particles, facilitating their digestion and absorption.
The action of enzymes depends on certain specific conditions, called optimal conditions. In the case of <u>amylase</u>, it depends on an optimum pH of 7 (neutral) and an optimum temperature of approximately 37 ° C.
This enzyme can still act between 35 ° C and 40 ° C, but below 35 ° C it is inactivated, preventing its functions from being performed, and above 40 ° C it suffers denaturation, causing changes in its structures.
Thus, it is concluded that the <u>temperature</u> (under optimal conditions) is important for enzymes because it keeps their actions and structures in proper operation.
1. C
2. I
3. B
4. I
5. A
1. Nonrenewable resources include oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy.
2. Nonrenewable resources cannot be readily replaced at the speed with which they are being consumed.
3. Renewable sources include biomass energy (such as ethanol), hydropower, geothermal power, wind energy, and solar energy. Biomass refers to organic material from plants or animals, etc.
4. Because they take a very long time to form. They are not replaceable.
5. Corn can be used for ethanol fuel, and a new crop of corn can be grown and harvested each year. Corn is a renewable resource. Also, renewable resources <u>cannot</u> be replaced in our lifetime.
The genetic change causes alterations in only one or a few nucleotide bases in known as mutation.
A mutation is a change in a brief section of a genome's nucleotide sequence. Another frequently replaces one nucleotide in point mutations; other changes involve the insertion or deletion of one or more nucleotides.
Errors in DNA replication or the harmful effects of mutagens, such as chemicals and radiation, which react with DNA and alter the architecture of individual nucleotides, are the leading causes of mutations.
DNA repair enzymes are present in all cells and work to reduce the frequency of mutations. These enzymes reduce genetic information loss, double-strand break formation, and DNA crosslinking by repairing DNA damage.
To learn more about mutation click here