anterograde amnesia
Here, Greg is not being able to recall new memories but remembers his old memories. This is a case of anterograde amnesia.
People who have anterograde amnesia lose their explicit memory (declarative memory) but retain their procedural memory.
Procedural memory is the memory which is in the background of a person's conciousness. For example, writing your signature is considered as procedural memory.
Gender can affect people's life chances in various ways - for example, if you're a woman you are paid less for doing the same job as a man, this is called the gender pay gap, which is a huge uprising issue of our modern world. Also, in some Asian and Middle Eastern countries women are given less rights than men e.g. education struggle - just because they're women. This gives women less chances to be independent in their life in the way that men easily can be.
<em>rumination </em><em> </em>
<em><u>Rumination, </u></em><em>in psychology, is described as an individual's focused attention related to the symptoms of his or her distress and its related possible consequences and causes and is opposite to its specific solutions that are associated with the "response style theory" which was discovered by</em><em><u> Nolen-Hoeksema during 1998.</u></em>
<em><u>The correct answer for the question above is rumination.</u></em>
1. Mobile Phone Distribution project ·
2. Melamchi Drinking Water Project ·
3. Solar Lamp (Tuki) distribution project ·
4. Secondary Education Support Program.
The correct answer is C. Look at the main parts or paragraphs and infer the answer.
When a reading test is being carried out, it is possible to find questions that ask about the text in general, to solve this type of questions it is necessary to understand what each of the parts or paragraphs of the text says and establish the common points of all of them to know a general idea. According to the above, the correct answer is C. Look at the main parts or paragraphs and infer the answer.