Try to get the fractions with same denominators. Use the LCD system to find equal factors to a common denominator. Then just simply compare it.
*Note: Larger fraction is the greater numerator.*
Hoped this helped.
~Bob Ross®
Step-by-step explanation:
Turn the ratio into a fraction
2in /25 mi
You want to have miles so you can flip the fraction and mutiply to cancel out the inches
(25mi / 2in) x 5in = (25 mi x 5in) / 2in
Since it took Juan 16 hours to wrap 2 presents, it will take Juan 32 hours.
1 present- 8 hours
2 present- 16 hours
3 present- 24 hours
4 present- 32 hours
Exact form: 10/9 decimal form: 1.111 mixed number form: 1 1/9