a. Security tab
These options would be under the security tab. The security tab allows you to protect yourself when browsing the web. It includes features such as cookies, location, pop-up blocker and tracking protection. This allows you to avoid harmful or malicious content. In this example, your coworker wants to minimize attacks when using the Internet. Therefore, this is the tab that would help her the most.
? is this you question true or false because i dont know the answer yet
B.) Open Office Impress
The options are:
A.) Open Office Writer
B.) Open Office Impress
C.) an outline
D.) photographs
Out of the above, the Impress is used for doing complex presentation, and its one of the best tool for it like PowerPoint. Its quite the same as PowerPoint, and it supports both ppt format as well as odp or the open document presentation format. You can make very complex presentations with the help of the Open office Impress.
Fair-use exceptions to traditional copyright protection face challenges as well, given a MOOC's potential for global reach. Nonetheless, fair use and MOOCs are not mutually exclusive ideas. MOOCs remain an experiment...