When they are breathed in, they can become trapped in the lungs and stay there for many years. Many problems might result in accumulation of such. One would be asbestosis, an inflammatory condition of lungs that can cause shortness of breath. Another would be mesothelioma, a rare cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, chest cavity, or abdomen.
This can provide a direction to give the appropriate and best management to the patient. THis can enhance the quality of healthcare and reduced the erroneous work which can be dangerous or fatal to the patients. Provide access to care and contain the cost of health services. This can be achieve with the use of intuitive thinking, leadership and learning from previous experiences. This can be combined for an effective approach.
The destructive force of the wave is not felt while they are out at the sea but it is felt when they approach the shore.
When the waves are out in the ocean they are in deeper waters. Once they move towards the shore they approach shallow waters. This movement causes shoaling of the waves by which its amplitude increases.
When the wave reaches the shore its leading edge gets slowed down by coming in contact with the beach floor but its trailing edge which is still in deep water still moves rapidly. The wave thus gets compressed and its wavelength decreases. The amplitude of the wave then increases rapidly making the wave destructive.
The answer is: How quickly do rats reproduce?