LAB: Plant information (ArrayList) Given a base Plant class and a derived Flower class, complete main() to create an ArrayList c
alled myGarden. The ArrayList should be able to store objects that belong to the Plant class or the Flower class. Create a method called printArrayList), that uses the printinfo methods defined in the respective classes and prints each element in myGarden. The program should read plants or flowers from input (ending with -1), adding each Plant or Flower to the myGarden ArrayList, and output each element in myGarden using the printinfo method Ex. If the input is: plant Spirea 10 flower Hydrangea 30 false lilac flower Rose 6 false white plant Mint 4 -1 the output is: Plant Information: Plant name: Spirea Cost: 10 Plant Information: Plant name: Hydrengea Cost: 30 Annual: false Color of flowers: lilac Microsoft Edge Plant Information: Plant name: Hydrengea Cost: 30 Annual: false Color of flowers: lilac Plant Information: Plant name: Rose Cost: 6 Annual: false Color of flowers: white Plant Information: Plant name: Mint Cost: 4 LAB ACTIVITY 9.18.1: LAB: Plant information (ArrayList) 10/10 Current file: Load default template... 1 import java.util.Scanner; 2 import java.util.ArrayList; 3 import java.util.StringTokenizer; 4 5 public class PlantArrayListExample { 6 7 // TODO: Define a PrintArrayList method that prints an ArrayList of plant (or flower) objects 8
LAB: Plant information (ArrayList) Given a base Plant class and a derived Flower class, complete main() to create an ArrayList called myGarden. The ArrayList should be able to store objects that belong to the Plant class or the Flower class. Create a method called printArrayList), that uses the printinfo methods defined in the respective classes and prints each element in
Header files serve two purposes. System header files declare the interfaces to parts of the operating system. You include them in your program to supply the definitions and declarations you need to invoke system calls and libraries.