<span>¿Qué quieres decir con noticias futuras que no podemos predecir el futuro.</span>
(Favorable slogan) Virtue, mission, and destiny under God.
This slogan summarizes the three main points used by the advocates of the “Manifest Destiny” doctrine (virtue of the American people, a mission to change the “Old World” and the manifest destiny under God’s guidance). Considering the thesis of the “American exceptionality”, the country had the legitimacy to expand itself while spreading the values of freedom and democracy.
(Unfavorable slogan) Don’t plant in America’s soil the seed of imperialism! Say no to the right of conquest!
Many were critic with the “Manifest Destiny” doctrine and considered it to be belligerent and contrary to the Republican values. It constituted a call for aggression which was, according to their point of view, a contradiction with the democratic founding values of the country.
A bear market
Hope this helps :)
The 4 necessary cognitive processes are:
1. Attention: This is the way in which by means of observation we grasp what happens around us.
2. Retention: This is learning and passing on to the long-term memory what we have just observed.
3. Reproduction: It happens when the observed, retained and learned previously is repeated.
4. Motivation: Motivation is the desire to reproduce what we observe and learn.
<span>The political landscape was full of corruption.</span>