they were masters of commanding horses and animals. they were also known for their military strength.
Explanation: hope this helps, pls mark brainliest
Bessemer had been trying to reduce the cost of steel-making for military ordnance, and developed his system for blowing air through molten pig iron to remove the impurities. ... This made steel easier, quicker and cheaper to manufacture, and revolutionized structural engineering.
So he followed the suggestion of a seer in Kaua'i and built a massive new heiau for devotion and sacrifices to Kamehameha's war deity Ku at Pu'ukohola in Kawaihae. Kamehameha planned to receive spiritual strength as a result, allowing him to conquer the island.
First, take the year that is most recent which in our case is 1973 and then subtract from that 1961 to get 12 years old. Hope this helps!
I think the Amazons were featured so prominently in Greek myths and legends because they had to do with the Greek Gods, especially Zeus. Zeus and Queen Hipolyta gave birth to Princess Diana. I believe Athena and Artemis honor them because they are female warriors. Also Hercules went to their island to get the Queen's belt as a task from Hera.