The general point is "Carla is a pleasure to be around." This is non specific.
All other points outline specific attributes that support this statement, referring to her smile and willingness to listen and ask questions.
When Hyperbaton is used, words and phrases exceed their conventional placements and meanings and result in a more complex and intriguing sentence structure (used to add more depth and interest to the sentence structure)
When Chronology is used, a manipulation in the time and events can be seen, and allows for the disorder of time. Relevance to all points of the past and future are made possible and the understanding of cause and effect is better made.
I am currently reading Romeo and Juliet in my English class. In the first scene, a capulet (juliets family) and a montague (romeos family) are fighting due to a history of the two families hating eachother. There are only a few moments where Romeo's mother comes over to tell her husband to exclude himself from the fight. Juliet's mother also tells her husband to stop. These two women only had one line at this moment. After prince tels them to quit fighting Lady Montague (Romeo's Mother) asks where Romeo is. <u>Only three lines given to these women, so really no, women do not have active roles in the first scene.</u>
The answer is to analyse
The deffinition of analyse is to separate a whole into its parts and then look more closely at those parts.