1. The answer is No, interface cannot have constructors. ... In order to call any method we need an object since there is no need to have object of interface, there is no need of having constructor in interface (Constructor is being called during creation of object).
2.A final class is considered complete and can not be subclassed (It's methods can not be overridden ). In case of abstract class, we have to proved implementation to abstract methods in subclasses. A final class can not have abstract methods and an abstract class can not be declared final.
3.private constructors are acceptable, however the class should be marked final instead, as doing so means the class is to be extended.
4.Yes! Abstract classes can have constructors! Yes, when we define a class to be an Abstract Class it cannot be instantiated(i.e an object cannot be created) but that does not mean an Abstract class cannot have a constructor. Each abstract class must have a concrete subclass which will implement the abstract methods of that abstract class.
Las virutas son partículas que se eliminan mecánicamente de una pieza de trabajo mecanizada. En el contexto de la tecnología de fabricación, especialmente el mecanizado, el término se refiere principalmente a virutas de metal; En principio, sin embargo, las virutas se crean en todo tipo de mecanizado de cuerpos sólidos. Las astillas de madera son el resultado de la carpintería. Cuando se mecanizan plásticos, se crean virutas, así como cuando se mecanizan materiales minerales, cristalinos o amorfos como el vidrio, que a menudo se realiza mediante esmerilado.
The answer is pavement markings. Hope I helped! :)
1) A photographer be interested in capturing the human element in his/her images because human beings can be as inspiring as everything that surrounds a photographer. Every artist has its own source of inspiration, and what if artist is the inspiration itself? Exploring human's beauty is the main part of developing your art (in this case photography) skills.
2) I find hands, to be more exact,wrists, to be the most inspiring part of human body. There is a philosophical aspect in my opinion becuase people use their hands to create. Every person is unique, its hands are unique and these hands can create unique things.