Factors that contribute to road rage:
1. Traffic delays
Heavy traffic, sitting at stoplights, looking for a parking space or even waiting for passengers to cross the street can increase a driver’s irritation level.
To avoid unnecessary risks, don't rush, and give yourself some time to get to where you're going and that leads up to my next factor:
2. Running late
Running behind for a meeting, appointment, or event can cause drivers to be impatient.
I'd recommend leaving early for an appointment to relieve stress in situations where you may be forced to rush or take negative drastic measures to arrive at your destination.
3. Anonymity (being anonymous)
Sometimes drivers feel that they probably won’t see other drivers again. This notion can lead to a lack of respect and even a feeling comfortable in engaging in risky driving behaviors like tailgating, cutting people off, excessive honking or making rude gestures.
You should keep a safe distance when driving, keep in mind that a slow driver may be lost, keep gestures positive such as signaling when merging, avoid confrontation, and lay off the horn.
4. Disregard for others and the law
Some drivers may feel that the rules don’t apply to them or disregard them completely. Disregarding the rules of the road can lead to fines, imprisonment, and possible life threatening circumstances.
5. Habitual or learned behavior
For some drivers, aggressive driving may actually be the norm - practicing safe lane changes and ignoring the temptation to reciprocate can help you eliminate road rage for yourself and others.
I hope this helps!