D. all of the above
Sending signals is what computers do like me typing which will send the computer a signal that I am writing this letter. I also, control my breathing and heart rate with my brain, the brain sends nerves through the spinal cord which makes me move and sends them to other parts of the body so they can move too. Therefore, it is just like that.
1.- Tell everything with detail and do not forget to mention anything that might possibly be related to your problem.
2.- Do not tell lies, for the solution to the lied problem and to the actual problem might be different and could cause you problems.
3.- Make things clear when talking to the healthcare professional.
I don't know if you were looking for any official rules but this ones do help.
Wish you luck!
For youth it's 35 feet for older its 40 feet
Current evidence suggests that the virus spreads mainly between people who are in close contact with each other, typically within 1 metre (short-range). A person can be infected when aerosols or droplets containing the virus are inhaled or come directly into contact with the eyes, nose, or mouth.