Falling pressure indicates the mass of the atmosphere above a point is decreasing, which can happen as the result of various atmospheric processes. In general, weather systems with low pressure at their centers (called cyclones) are associated with unsettled weather (clouds and precipitation) and strong winds. So, I’m guess cold and wet air mass.
It is important that a gamete or sex cells have exactly only one set of chromosome because during sexual reproduction two sex cells of the parents will form the zygote and it will have 2n or diploid number of chromosomes. It is from this zygote somatic cells are formed.
Las teorías extraterrestres o de panspermia sugieren que la vida existió en el espacio exterior y fue transportada por meteoritos, asteroides o cometas a una Tierra receptiva. En este caso, el origen de la vida no está relacionado con los posibles entornos de la Tierra primitiva.
Having a repetitive enzyme system would allow more than one enzyme to catalyze a particular reaction. If one of the types of enzyme is not able to perform its function due to temperature or any other factor, then another kind of enzyme would be able to catalyze the reaction. Hence, having repetitive enzyme systems is very effective in carrying out the metabolic functions of the body even when conditions are not favourable.