Environmental, agricultural, and natural ecosystems.
It is true that z<span>oning laws may designate parcels of land for specific uses, but sometimes the economic benefit of developing wetlands, grasslands or forested areas overrules the protection of such land.
This is especially true if a rare plant or something thought to be extinct starts growing there - then the nature cannot be disrupted so as to make a building or something else there. </span>
<span>I think for the most part, the warmth of the waters determine what lives in them. In warmer coastal waters, you are going to find coral reefs that provide homes to millions of species of fish and micro-organisms.</span>
<span>Relaxin, secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary as well as the placenta, is responsible for helping to inhibit uterine activity and to soften the cervix and the collagen in joints. Softening of the cervix allows for dilatation at birth; softening of collagen allows for laxness in the lower spine and so helps enlarge the birth canal. The effect of estrogen is to cause breast and uterine enlargement. Progesterone has a major role in maintaining the endometrium, inhibiting uterine contractility, and aiding in the development of the breasts for lactation. Human placental lactogen (hPL), also known as human chorionic somatomammotropin, serves as an antagonist to insulin, making insulin less effective, thereby allowing more glucose to become available for fetal growth.</span>
D I think because the trees block out all the sun