hui im sorry do not speak arabic but ramdsn kareem to everyone
There are small tubes that connect all parts of a plant or a tree with the root. The root then applies root pressure to the nutrients and the nutrients and the water are pumped towards the upper parts through these small tubes.
An organism can't chose to have a mutation because it depends on the way they are born. If they are missing some type of mineral, (Protein, Vitamin, etc.) they will have a mutation because they're missing that. Well, something similar to a mutation is natural selection and genes. For example, there are some short and tall giraffes. The tall ones can reach the tree and the short ones can't so they die and the tall ones can reproduce and their offspring will inherit that trait
<span>A vesícula biliar é uma estrutura em forma de pêra, oca localizada sob o fígado e no lado direito do abdômen. Sua principal função é armazenar e concentrar a bile, uma enzima digestiva marrom-amarela produzida pelo fígado. A vesícula biliar é parte do trato biliar.</span>