The function of the digestive system is digestion and absorption. Digestion is the breakdown of food into small molecules, which are then absorbed into the body. The digestive system is divided into two major parts: The digestive tract (alimentary canal) is a continuous tube with two openings: the mouth and the anus.
"Macrophages" cells are commonly dispersed (mixed in) with simple columnar epithelial cells. They are responsible for secreting mucus.
Coastal habitats provide ecosystem services essential to people and the environment. ... Services provided by coastal wetlands include: Flood Protection: Coastal wetlands protect upland areas, including valuable residential and commercial property, from flooding due to sea level rise and storms. pollution kills much of the life that lives there and radically decreases biodiversity
Sorry i might be wrong but i think its 11x3 r 3
Cytoplasmic division of a cell at the end of mitosis or meiosis. it happens during the nuclear division phase called anaphase, which continues through telophase.