B. local judges protected businessmen from paying property damages associated with factory construction and from workers seeking to unionize.
The market revolution refers to refers to the series of events that initiated by people as a form of protest to the various negative aspects caused by economy created by industrial revolution.
At that time, government did not regulate how the companies should conduct their business ethically, which lead to many problems like unfair treatment of workers, underage workers, discrimination against race, gender, or ninetieths, dangerous working condition, etc. All of these led many workers start to unionize. But some of them decided to seek their cause with violent and causing damages, which created a problem for the local government.
In response, local judges protected businessmen from paying property damages associated with factory construction and from workers seeking to unionize in order to make sure that the union activities do not fully disrupt the economy in their territory.
Answer A.
Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison written in 1787-88 under the name "Publius" 85 essays on various newspapers of New York.
Parallel processing
Parallel processing is the ability of the brain to process many information of differing quality at once.this process involves analyzing and distributing the receive stimulus into four compartments : Color, shape, motion,depth.
George stroke made him to lost the capacity to perceive colors but retained the capacity to perceive movement and form
Janet had a stroke and lost the capacity to perceive motion but retained the capacity to perceive shapes and colors.
The disability in the question are typical type of the four compartment of Parallel processing
the statement is true that some bacteria have whiplike tails that spin to propel them forward.
these are known as flagella
An international organization of European countries formed to protect the economic and social policies to strengthen peace in Europe, named European Union. It ensured the European integration by adopting a common currency (Euro), unified foreign policy, common citizenship rights and to protect Europe from any external threat.