The total const is 13025 KWh
These are the steps to solve this problem:
- Convert all the powers from W to KW dividing by 1000.
- Convert all the times on minutes to hours dividing by 60.
- Then you can apply energy consumption formula
for any of the appliances. the results will be at KWh. - Sum all the consumtions and you will have the total cost.
Attached you will have a spreadsheet as a guidance. Any questions, just let me know.
B. 1 6 3
Given function definition for calc:
void calc (int a, int& b)
int c;
c = a + 2;
a = a * 3;
b = c + a;
Function invocation:
x = 1;
y = 2;
z = 3;
calc(x, y);
cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << endl;
- Since x is passed by value, its value remains 1.
- y is passed by reference to the function calc(x,y);
Tracing the function execution:
b=c+a = 6;
But b actually corresponds to y. So y=6 after function call.
- Since z is not involved in function call, its value remain 3.
So output: 1 6 3
This is correct. And to remove the confusion, I am adding the meaning of the Pseudocode. You need to begin with the algo that you are working upon, and then you need it to phrase the algo with the words which are easy to be transcribed in the form of the computer instructions. Now you need to indent the instructions properly inside the loop or within the conditional clauses. And while doing this, you need to not use the words which are used in certain forms of computer language. However, IF and THEN and ELSE and ENDIF are very frequently used as pseudo-code. Hence, your answer is correct.
Please check the answer section.
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