for (scores.Entry<String, Integer> entry : scores.entrySet()) {
int value=0; String key="Rambo";
String k = entry.getKey();
int v = entry.getValue();
if (v>value)
value =v;
for( scores.Entry<String, Integer> entry : scores.entrySet())
if( entry.getValue()==value)
System.out.println("Key = " + entry.getKey() + ", Value = " + entry.getValue());
The above scores are an object of Map type. And this is a parameter of findUopStudent function. So scores is a Map, and entry is an item. And we get its key and value. Now we compare each value using senteniel method and find the maximum value. Now we iterate through the scores using for the look and check the value of each entry against the maximum value found, and we print out the entry with maximum value. And that is the top student, which is required.
<span>The following statements are true:
1. Leased lines require little installation and maintenance expertise.
( A high service quality is offered by point-to point system)
2. Leased lines provide highly flexible bandwidth scaling.
(This Allows a Constant availability)</span>
From Networkopoint of view, a node is a redistribution point or communication point or a connection point.
It can also mean devices or data points on a large network Such as laptop, phones, printers, etc
cout << setprecision(2)<< fixed << number;
The above statement returns 12.35 as output
Though, the statement can be split to multiple statements; but the question requires the use of a cout statement.
The statement starts by setting precision to 2 using setprecision(2)
This is immediately followed by the fixed manipulator;
The essence of the fixed manipulator is to ensure that the number returns 2 digits after the decimal point;
Using only setprecision(2) in the cout statement will on return the 2 digits (12) before the decimal point.
The fixed manipulator is then followed by the variable to be printed.
See code snippet below
<em>#include <iostream> </em>
<em>#include <iomanip>
<em>using namespace std; </em>
<em>int main() </em>
<em>{ </em>
<em> // Initializing the double value</em>
<em> double number = 12.3456; </em>
<em> //Print result</em>
<em> cout << setprecision(2)<< fixed << number; </em>
<em> return 0; </em>
<em>} </em>
<em />