You simplify a fraction by finding it's greatest common factor. A greatest common factor is what both numbers are divisible by. If they can both be divided by two, then you've simplified them a little bit. Keep going until you can't find a common number that can be divided by the two, and you've got your simplified fraction. For example, 10/5 = 1/2 since both 10 and 5 is divisible by 5.
Sin 29° 32' = Cos 60° 28'
Step-by-step explanation:
Here in this problem, we have to write Sin 29° 32' in terms of its co-function.
We know that co-function of Sin Ф = Cos ( 90° - Ф ).
Therefore, we have to find a complementary angle of 29° 32'.
So, ( 90° - 29° 32' ) = 60° 28'
Therefore, Sin 29° 32' = Cos 60° 28' ( Answer )
I don’t have the time for my birthday but I’m just asking for a little
Subtract 2 from both sides.
Multiply both sides by 5/2.
choice A; 128.52 square feet
Step-by-step explanation:
This shape is made up of a semi-circle and a rectangle. The area of the rectangle will be 12*6 = 72 sq ft.
The formula for area of a circle is *. also r=radius. We are given the diameter, 12 feet. The radius is diameter/2, so the radius of the circle will be 6 feet.
Since pi is infinite we round it to 3.14.
Plug in the values and our expression will be (3.14*)/2 because it is a semi-circle. Simplify that to (3.14*36)/2 = 113.04/2 = 56.52 sq ft.
Remember to add the area of the rectangle and semi-circle. 72 + 56.52 = 128.52 sq ft.