Type II error is called false negative, that mean that you say the null hypothesis is right when it is not. In this case, the null hypothesis is "the drug is not safe". Then the error should be <span>to conclude the drug is safe when in, fact, it is unsafe</span>.
<span>Weight-bearing helps strengthening our bones by building new bone tissues. It also makes our muscles tissues to be strong. These activities are very important especially for children and teens because it will help them before they reach puberty. They will be experiencing bone mass before and after they hit this stage</span>
Answer: OT
Explanation: OT stands for Online Tardy, which is when you are late for your class, and therefore another teacher has to tell you what you missed.
<span>Several solutions are possible, the best for me:</span>c. eat less and lose weight.
(<span>and daily practice <span>of a sport)^^</span></span>