You could say something along the lines of:
"Hey, Friend, what's so good about weed? Why are you always smoking it?"
If he's smoking it for medical purposes, then just drop it, but if it's illegal and he's doing it to "look cool", then I would further ask questions about it.
<span>When an individual is more than a couple of meters underwater, the air pressure in the lungs is greater than the air pressure at the waters surface. If a snorkel were used, it would move the air from the lungs to the surface, making it very difficult to breath
The surgical procedure is the rectal prolapse surgery
<u>Procedure </u>
<u>Before surgery </u>
- Stop any medication
- Proper cleaning of the area
<u>There are 2 method of approach </u>
- Rectopexy through the abdominal area
- Perineum
<u>Surgical procedure</u>
- The surgeon places the rectum back to its place using a mesh sling or a suture (in rectopexy)
- The surgeon pulls a little bit of the rectum out and removes it and rest is sutured back to the intestine (in perineunal approach)
<u>Post operative :-</u>
- Patient have to stay a few days before being discharged
- Painkiller are prescribed
- Soft food is given
Here is my strategy,
Try to convince the community to eat vegetables in every meal. They should at least have salad placed next to their meal. After each meal, tell them that they should consume fruit such as banana. And if they feel hungry, just tell them to eat fruits.
Hope this helps
eating a varitety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy.