Ask your friend to tell you the password
Threat disgruntled employees
This is a type's threat in a network, why disgruntled employees is a threat?
Because disgruntled employees can implement a plant to damage a company's system when an IT employee be fired.
I t can be difficult to try to protect a system of these threats, Traditionally companies can wait for the less damage, then delete those credentials.
In cloud computing we have IDaaS, where an external company administers the company's credentials, is harder to damage the system in this way.
<span>When you protect a workbook, you control the ability users have, to make changes to the file. This is t</span><span>o prevent other users from making changes, functions like adding, moving, deleting, or hiding worksheets, and renaming worksheets, you can </span>protect<span> it </span><span>with a password. </span>