Hellenization, or Hellenism, refers to the spread of Greek culture that had begun after the conquest of Alexander the Great in the fourth century, B.C.E. One must think of the development of the eastern Mediterranean, really, in two major phases.
Hope this helps, its not too long, didn't want it to be too wordy
The difference between education and socialization is that socialization is an unconscious, ongoing process that permeates all aspects of a society. Education, on the other hand, is a conscious effort and generally involves interacting with some form of institution such as a school or a library.
ideas usually lead to innovation that could become a catalyst for a new and emerging market. In most developed countries, Stealing ideas could make you subjected to a lawsuit.
A famous example of this would be Face-book.
MarkZucker berg was accused of stealing the ideas to create the site from the Winklevoss twins, who eventually brought Mark to the court. The twins won the case and receive around $65 million payout from the lawsuit.
parents should be role models towards their children and teach them whats right and whats wrong