Renewable energy is growing fast in the U.S., but fossil fuels still dominate. Most Americans (77%) say it's more important for the United States to develop alternative energy sources, such as solar and wind power, than to produce more coal, oil and other fossil fuels, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey
a. eukaryotes
b. unicellular
c. autotrophs; heterotrophs
Protists represent a separate kingdom of eukaryotic organisms (ie., organisms whose cells have a nucleus). The most important features of protists include: 1- they are unicellular organisms, 2-contain mitochondria, 3-can be parasites, and 4-generally live in optimal conditions in moist or aquatic environments. In the past, protists were divided into Protozoa (animal-like organisms) and Protophyta (plant-like organisms), which nowadays we know are heterotrophic (also often parasitic) and photosynthetic protists, respectively.
Commensalism is when one organism benefits and the other doesn't benefit and is also not harmed. The tree is helping the orchid and the orchid isn't benefiting or harming the tree.