It is a beneficial mutation.
Explanation: Mutations are permanent changes in the nucleotide sequence of a DNA. Mutations can beneficial, neutral and harmful or deleterious. When change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA a mutation enhances the effectiveness of a protein or improves the protein function, it is said to be beneficial. When a mutation causes the synthesis of a protein which have the same amino acid as the original protein and performs the same function as the original protein, it is said to be silent or neutral. When a mutation results in the synthesis of a protein with an altered amino acid sequence and a nonfunctional protein, it is said to be harmful.
Option C:
A frameshift mutation is a genetic mutation such that the triplet nature of gene expression by codons, the insertion or deletion occurs in such as way that it alters the complete sequence of 3 codon sets and can change the reading frame, resulting in a completely different translation from the original.
As it is pertinent to understanding that all genes are normally translated in sets of 3 codons, which typically describes and explain a unique amino acid sequence. Thus, if a frame shift mutation occurs, it can affect many amino acid sequences and finally the entire protein.
If we look at option B:
wild-type 5-AUG CAU ACA UUG GAG UGA-3
mutant 5’- AUG CAU ACA UCU GGA GUG A-3’
An insertion of a base Uracil showed at the end of 3rd codon which affected and altered the whole sequence of codon triplets. This changed all next codons and finally all next amino acids will be altered.
Skeleton is what the connective tissue uses to stay part of the body. Without the skeletal system we wouldn't be able to move our muscles.