Jaylyn Fly's average is 11
Suzy Swoosh's average is 10.9
Suhain Sprint's average is 10.4
When you need to find an average, you just need to add the numbers up and then divide by the total number of values you added.
because if you look at Darwin's change of evolution finches like these can break walnuts and pick at it because they have strong beaks
<u>The illegal wildlife trade </u>or <u>wildlife trafficking</u> is the commercial process that involves the trade of non-domestic species (animals or plants), or in some cases certain parts of individuals. These species are rare and endangered and thus this practice is harmful and represents an increasing dangers of extinction.
This practice is highly illegal, but unfortunately, at the same time, due to the rarity of the species highly profitable. Efforts are made globally to stop this practice and to avoid the extinction of many endangered species.
B. tiny algae and plankton decomposed under conditions of heat, pressure, and low oxygen.
Oil is most likely to form where tiny algae and plankton decomposed under conditions of heat, pressure and low oxygen.
Coal will form when plant materials like twigs, leaves and tree trunks decomposed under conditions of heat, pressure and low oxygen.
- To form oil, algae and plankton will be gathered with sediments in a basin.
- Rapid burial causes the algae and plankton to be cut off from aerobic environment that would lead to the decay of these organisms.
- They are buried alive and as the basin subsides, temperature and pressure acts to produce kerogen.
- Further cracking produces oil and gas.
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Fossil fuel